- 二冲程柴油机与四冲程机比较,不正确的是()。MARPOL公约附则II对散装化学品物质分类是根据其?()不同的可燃物所需要的讲点火能量的强度不同,配有水分传感器Ⅳ。分离筒内无滑动底盘SOLAS公约规定,1000总吨及以上但小于
- _____ the engines, the diesel engine is ____ used engine on boardBetween / more commonly
Among / the most commonly#
Between / not more commonly
Among / not the most commonlyB
- Fusible plugs are installed in fire-tube boilers to _____.Don’t stow the box ________Accidental flooding of the engine room bilges by the bilge main is prevented by( ).泵的容积效率是指( )。国际劳工组
- The spur geared mooring winches have advantages over worm geared ones in .Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I? I、Disposal of oil residues. II、 Inte
- The water level in the gauge glass when a boiler is operating is _____ when the boiler is shut down.典型霍乱起病突然,剧烈呕吐、腹泻,大便呈______。lower than
higher than#
equal to典型脓血便
- 带有自动切换装置主机滑油泵的备用泵自动启动的条件是()。救生筏应配备当筏充气时能()施放的海锚。从液压拉伸器的结构上看,当活塞的升程超过了其“最大升程”时,地效船均应宽裕地让清所有的船舶并避免妨碍其航行;
- High cylinder firing pressure, accompanied by low exhaust temperature, can result from ___.在GMDSS规则中,下列_____不是通用操作员的能力要求。二甲苯具有()特性。A thrust bearing is used with a propulsion
- Which of the following reasons represents why the designed compression ratio of a gasoline engine is lower than that of a diesel engine?Dry powder is used to put out ________The ship security officer
- An efficient seal between the cylinder block and cylinder heads on many diesel engines is obtained with________.《规则》中规定独立式液货舱管前必须与船体进行可靠电器连接目的是?()《符合证明》的有效性服
- The desirable properties or a marine fuel oil should include_______.抛射器在正常的天气情况下,具有一定的准确性,其偏差不大于:四冲程柴油机换气过程总的曲轴转角一般为()high flash point and high viscosity
- Combustion knock occurring in a diesel engine can be caused by _____.进行溢油海上处理时,在半封闭海域或交换条件不良海域,不宜采用______Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by____
- The pressure differential across a diesel engine lube oil system duplex filter should be checked to ________.一伤员伤口出现感染,药箱内有几种抗生素,你首选()在定容过程中,空气吸收的热量有( )转化为对外作
- Which of the processes listed would be the most satisfactory method to use to lower the humidity of the air being circulated by an air conditioning system?M. V. Utopia ________ the Atlantic to England
- When satisfied that there are no contagious diseases on board,the quarantine officer will issue ______.当活塞采用浮动式活塞销时,相应地()。在请求无线电医疗咨询前,应对外伤病人准备哪些资料:沿海海域发
- 空压机油的闪点以________为宜。溺水患者吸入淡水和海水对血液的影响是:货船海水泵及自动警报和探火系统应有不少于______动力供应源。烧伤后皮肤红肿,有大小不一的水泡,创面红润潮湿,质较软,疼痛敏感,估计为______
- 下列关于喷油泵出油阀的工作特性中错误的是( )。四冲程柴油机气阀重叠角的位置是在()等容卸载出油阀其卸载客积随柴油机转速而变化#
- The cylinder cover is not provided with ( )几个小疖聚在一起,局部肿胀、疼痛明显、体温升高,可诊断为______。fuel valve
the starting valve
- 螺杆泵工作噪声过大的原因不包括________。公司应当制定程序,保证船舶及设备按照有关规定和标准以及公司可能制定的任何附加要求进行维护。为满足这些要求,公司应当保证____。I.按照适当的间隔期进行检查II.任何不符
- 万一锅炉水碱度太高,通常用_________办法处理。肝炎患者______。不适合扑灭电器火的灭火剂有:_______。下列说法正确的是:下面哪些船舶处所使用感温式探测器?活塞环搭口间隙测量应放在气缸()加酸
- 停泊在本轮下风方向的船舶如果动用明火,从本轮透气桅或液货舱排出的货物可燃气体,会飘到下风一侧,下列哪项正确________。在狭水道航行中,利用航线前方导标方位导航,航行中发现导标的方位小于导航线方位,应用:()The
- Throttling in the _____ line of a centrifugal pump involves the risk of the pump cavitation.关于油封(唇形密封圈)的下列说法中不正确的是( )。船员权利的专属性,即船员劳动合同中的权利______。活塞销外圆表面
- 所谓气阀间隙是指()。Compliance with the terms of the load line certificate on a ship is the responsibility of the ______.干粉灭火剂适用于扑救哪一种类的火灾?气阀的热态间隙
- The FIRST thing to do to ensure that a refrigeration unit will not start while undergoing repairs, is to _____.________ there much cargo in the warehouse?根据航海事故中人的心理因素分析可知,事故与人的“
- 一人胃痛,应给予()止痛。泵的总效率是指( )。I shall keep the﹙保安巡逻) ___.去痛片
- Which of the listed factors will indicate the most about the ability of a fuel to ignite in a diesel engine?手提式VHF双向电话,必须具有_____。卤化烃灭火剂的主要灭火作用是______。必须配备经主管机关批准
- Sealing in pump shaft is achieved by means of the ( ).《LSA规则》的实施日期是______。根据ILO规定,任何船舶灭失或沉没,导致海员失业,船东或与海员的签约方应向失业船员支付总额为_个月工资的失业赔偿。扶正救
- An electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other required conditions are met is called a/an _____.“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means ________人员在低温水中,应采取的有效自
- Dense fog comes with bad visibility, fog signal bell must be kept ________at regulation intervals电动齿轮泵排出压力过高的危害不包括________。按规定,用手动操纵装置将滑动式水密门完全关闭时间不超过( )s,
- 当事人对主管机关给予的下列哪些处罚不服时,可以在接到处罚通知之日起15天内,向法院起诉______。Ⅰ、警告Ⅱ、扣留职务证书Ⅲ、罚款Ⅳ、吊销职务证书All engineer officers and engine room ratings shall be aware of th
- 制冷装置中冷风机相对蒸发盘管来说_________是不对的。气胀式救生筏的容器在船舶沉没时①有充裕的固有浮力②应能从内部拉出首缆③开动充气装置。特殊培训合格证到期申请再有效,应有_月相应海历,并需经过精通业务、知识
- An alarm device inserted between the deaerating tank and the expansion tank can notify the on-watching crew that .满载救生筏体和属具备品的容器在落入水中后要求()救生艇浮力应当艇内浸水和破漏通海时,其
- 承磨环在()的情况下不必换新。推进装置的推进效率之所以仅能评定各类船舶动力装置的经济性是因为仅考虑( )。爆炸品火灾应选的最佳灭火剂是:环已在环槽中松动
- 机械调速器的特点是()。Ⅰ.灵敏度高Ⅱ.结构简单Ⅲ.可实现恒速调节Ⅳ.精度较差Ⅴ.维修方便Ⅵ.利用飞重离心力直接拉动油门The carpenter is directly responsible to ________.Which of the processes listed would be the
- 救助艇吊艇索应在问隔不超过()时间内更新根据我国《海船船员发证规则》规定,申请功率提高考试、评估者,应持有较低一级功率但相同航区和职务的适任证书,并实际担任其职务满____个月。The output voltage of a 440 v
- Which of the following problems could cause the high pressure cutout switch to shut down the compressor in a refrigeration system?A shortage of liquid refrigerant.
Excessive frost on the evaporator.
- 在卸两种或多种不同货物时,应由离任轮机长和新任轮机长在________上签字。在调动职务交接班中,下列有关“实物交接”的说法中,不正确的是______。WARTSILA32型柴油机的活塞裙部设有径向润滑油孔,如选择浮标正横转向,顺
- Some cranes are mounted in pairs on a common platform. which can be rotated through_____.某散货船装载后测得艏、舯、艉的吃水分别为:8.0 m,8.7 m,9.0 m,存在拱垂,则经拱垂修正后的平均吃水为( )m。某水泵运行
- The correct procedure for giving an auxiliary boiler a bottom blow, is to begin .叶片马达式锚机液压系统采用的调速方法多为( )。构成追越的必要条件是:I、后船位于前船的尾灯光弧范围内;II、后船的速度大于
- The space between cylinder liner and jacket is called _____.大风浪中操纵救生艇,应使艇首与浪成:非本船人员进人机舱,须经_准许。When using a fuel with a higher than normal sulfur content in an auxiliary
- The cooling liquid used for the cylinder may be referred to as _____.接收岸到船遇险报警的设备是_____。海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约的简称是?()CO2 extinguishes a fire byjacket water#
make-up water