  • If a reciprocating air compressor has a knock occurring in f

    If a reciprocating air compressor has a knock occurring in frequency with its operating RPM, the cause is probably _____.当船舶由海水水域进入半淡水水域时( )。一伤员前臂大出血,应立即压迫哪条动脉( )。Th
  • 在水线以下排放污水会面临()风险。

    在水线以下排放污水会面临()风险。During the dock repair, when installing the tail shaft and propeller, _____ should be on the spot for supervising失控船锚泊时在白天应悬挂的号型是____。船舶火灾 船速
  • 2022海船船员模拟考试冲刺试题312

  • 己修正密度(比重)的方法计算重量时首先将化验室提供的密度(比重)

    己修正密度(比重)的方法计算重量时首先将化验室提供的密度(比重)换算到()的密度(比重)。The Ship Security Plan should be submitted to____ for approval.使用1211灭火机时,应垂直操作,不可放平和颠倒,喷嘴要对准火
  • 海船船员2022冲刺密卷答案+解析(11.08)

    冰量达( )以上时,船舶行动比较困难,应争取破冰船引航。3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10#D
  • ALFALAVALWHPX型自动排渣型分油机的P2管是()。

    ALFALAVALWHPX型自动排渣型分油机的P2管是()。对于润滑油来说,其润滑技术及专利的核心是( )。在无限航区、主机功率750至3000千瓦船舶上任职的轮机员,应持_证书。船上的应急电源会向所有船内通信设备持续供电_____
  • Vee-type engines have the connecting rods from two cylinders

    Vee-type engines have the connecting rods from two cylinders connected to each _____ of the crankshaft.往复泵的活塞杆密封一般选用( )。throw# web main bearing deflection唇形密封圈 0形密封圈 软填料轴封#
  • When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it _

    When the fuel oil is burning in the combustion chamber, it _____.gives up large amount of heat gives off large amount of heat# gives up large amount of steam gives off large amount of steamB
  • 职业技能鉴定2022海船船员模拟考试冲刺试题311

  • If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not imm

    If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may be _____.泌尿系统包括两侧的______以及膀胱和尿道。很多物质燃烧后产生的有毒气体是______。航行中货舱灭火,如要下舱
  • 对于加强构件布设在舱外的单层甲板,其优点主要是

    对于加强构件布设在舱外的单层甲板,其优点主要是下列材料中属于高级优质钢的是( )。What is the most advantage of the lean-combustion different from the routine combustion?直升机在艇、筏上方是悬空时,会产生
  • The unit of electrical power is the _____.

    The unit of electrical power is the _____.When a ship were found its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the Certificate by a nominated surveyor and corrective actions
  • 下列是国际公认的滑油质量等级中的代号的是()。

    下列是国际公认的滑油质量等级中的代号的是()。Which of the following represents the significance the fuel oil cetane number?SAE30 ISO-VG32 HC-20 CD#The cetane number has no affect on injection lag The
  • 离心水泵改输燃料油时,如管路状况不变,则流量________。

    离心水泵改输燃料油时,如管路状况不变,则流量________。躯干,包括会阴,烧伤面积为(),为获得较大的离心泵压头,不可能的途径是( )。STCW78/95公约新增的培训项目有_。物质发生不完全燃烧,而生成一氧化碳的原因是:___
  • 2022海船船员考试试题(2AE)

    对遇局面适用于________。让路船的行动是________。互见中的船舶 任何能见度 互见中的两机动船# 任何能见度两机动船给本船右舷的船让路 避免横越他船的前方 应避免向左转向 应尽可能及早采取大幅度行动,宽裕地让请他
  • When the water produced from most evaporator is supplied for

    还需船舶提供有关资料,其中哪一项不是强制性的______。求生的基本原则中,与水的密度也有关系,船舶由海入江,应提供状态监控设备维修保养计划 必须提供PMS的设备工作卡汇总表 必须建立计算机PMS管理系统并提供程序及软
  • 能提高边界润滑中形成吸附膜能力的添加剂是()。

    能提高边界润滑中形成吸附膜能力的添加剂是()。A104.疼痛是最常见的症状之一,对疼痛所需询问的是()Ⅰ.疼痛部位Ⅱ.疼痛性质Ⅲ.疼痛程度Ⅳ.疼痛时间油性剂# 极压剂 增黏剂 浮游剂Ⅰ ⅠⅡ ⅠⅡⅢ ⅠⅡⅢⅣ#吸附膜是由滑油中极性分子
  • The most common type of containment device for spilled oil o

    The most common type of containment device for spilled oil on the water is the use of _____.船舶内部的通信系统,一般指的是()。对气阀导管的错误说法有( )。脊柱是由______椎骨、一块骶骨和尾骨组成。straw bo
  • The cylinder liners are made of _____ and the cylinder surfa

    The cylinder liners are made of _____ and the cylinder surfaces are sometimes chromium-plated.船舶锅炉检验中的“废气经济器”是指______。Ⅰ、直接给用热设备提供饱和蒸汽的强制循环热交换器Ⅱ、可以直接达到蒸汽
  • 2022海船船员每日一练(11月08日)

    离心泵输水温度变化时,对( )有明显影响。根据我国《海船船员发证规则》规定,通过三管轮适任考试和评估者,在______年内,应持海事管理机构核发的《船上培训记录簿》,完成不少于_____个月的《船上培训记录簿》中所规定
  • Which of the following problems should be taken when cleanin

    Which of the following problems should be taken when cleaning the air filter on a diesel engine equipped with a turbocharger? .船舶压载水对海洋环境造成污染的主要原因是船舶压载水中的______。喉嘴面积比
  • The term “moderate speed” was previously interpreted as mean

    The term “moderate speed” was previously interpreted as meaning a speed which would enable a vessel ______ within half the range of visibility.冰敷有助于______。四步教学法的顺序是:_________。在二冲程
  • A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a _____.

    A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a _____.船员调动交接班制度规定,交接时应详细交接并作交接记录的是______。Ⅰ、现存问题;Ⅱ、遗留问题;Ⅲ、正在进行尚未结束的工作;Ⅳ、重要待办事项。《STCW公
  • 大型低速柴油机的最低启动转速范围,一般为()。

    大型低速柴油机的最低启动转速范围,一般为()。A diesel engine experiences a sudden loss in speed, accompanied by black exhaust smoke, with the fuel rack at maximum, and speed remaining below normal .th
  • Please choose a correct name for “救生圈”.

    Please choose a correct name for “救生圈”.吊艇架横张索上配备的救生索长度应满足()。落水者低温水中应采取:探明火情的主要内容是:系泊值班调整缆绳时,当风流较大时,应:()柴油机下止点是指()life buoy# life
  • 2022职业技能鉴定海船船员冲刺密卷正确答案(11.07)

    船舶火灾已确定基本扑灭后,首先应:在船舶消防部署中________是总指挥。探查火情;# 清理火场; 全部打开通风; 以上均对。船长# 政委 轮机长 随着火地点不同而不同AA
  • 燃油锅炉和废气锅炉的联系方法中不包括_________。

    燃油锅炉和废气锅炉的联系方法中不包括_________。下列组织在实际生产中不能使用的是( )。各自独立,供汽都通到蒸汽分配联箱 废气锅炉为燃油锅炉的附加受热面 燃油锅炉为废气锅炉的附加受热面# 燃油锅炉和废气锅炉组
  • The amount of fluid delivered by a positive displacement pum

    The amount of fluid delivered by a positive displacement pump can be regulated by _____.先导型溢流阀主阀阻尼孔堵塞可能使所控制油路( )。除非另有规定,货物处所有可用的CO2量应足以放出体积至少等于该船最大
  • In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you shou

    In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to _____.叶片泵内部漏泄最大的间隙是在( )之间。呼吸器应为瓶内空气储存量至少为______的自给式压缩空气呼吸器,或可供使用至少30min的
  • When the refrigeration demand is small,_______.

    When the refrigeration demand is small,_______.对面积不大的肢体烧伤(烫伤)减轻疼痛和损伤的方法是()船舶侧推器的作用与船速之间的关系为( )。the expansion valve will move toward the wide open position the
  • The sealing rings are in four parts and pressed together aro

    The sealing rings are in four parts and pressed together around the piston rods by means of _____不能列为轮机部技术资料的是______。急性阑尾炎腹痛常开始于______。淋病是一种传染最广,最常见的性病,是由___
  • 当柴油机燃用劣质燃油时,喷油器的冷却介质多使用()。

    当柴油机燃用劣质燃油时,喷油器的冷却介质多使用()。航次中高密度多的货品往往会造成哪种配积载工作的困难。曲折反映了两相邻轴轴心线呈( )的状态。个人配备应包括下列内容_______。I.防护服II.长筒靴III.硬头盔IV
  • 海船船员2022考试考试试题试卷(1AE)

    用平板运送伤员,正确的挪动顺序是()鼻出血时可用纱布填塞压迫,棉球上可浸______。互见中,帆船在航时,应给下列________种船舶让路。上身臀部腿脚# 脚腿臀部上身 臀部腿脚上身 脚臀部腿上身生理盐水 庆大霉素 肾上腺素
  • If the flame from combustion in the cylinder of a four-strok

    If the flame from combustion in the cylinder of a four-stroke engine past the piston into the space below, the accumulation of flammable mixture would be ignited, thus resulting in _____.目前下列设备
  • 职业技能鉴定2022海船船员模拟考试练习题310

    采用多支承点适合于( )。阀控型开式起重液压系统中换向阀的功能是()。烧(烫)伤治疗原则:Ⅰ、保护烧伤区,防止外源性感染Ⅱ、预防休克,治疗局部和全身感染Ⅲ、用手术或非手术方法促进创面愈合Ⅳ、预防和治疗多器官衰竭
  • 在四冲程柴油机中,使膨胀损失增大的原因是()。

    在四冲程柴油机中,使膨胀损失增大的原因是()。金属与含氧量不同的介质接触,在氧浓度较高处金属的电极电位较( )为极。某水泵运行时进口压力为0.05MPa,排出口压力为0.25MPa,则水泵的扬程约为( )(设1MPa≈100m水柱高)
  • Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use

    Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use of_____.液货管系通过起居处所、服务处所、机器处所是?()属于乙类火灾的是:发现火灾并已发出警报的船员,应尽快将什么信息报告驾驶台?按航向操舵,操
  • 2022海船船员易混易错每日一练(11月07日)

    金属与含氧量不同的介质接触,在氧浓度较高处金属的电极电位较( )为极。落水者在水中游泳,不正确的呼吸方法是:落水者体温下降的速度取决于:旗低/阳 低/阴 高/阳 高/阴#鼻吸口呼# 鼻呼口吸 口吸鼻呼水温# 水深 水速
  • If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action

    If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,().凡船舶不准吸烟的地方,应______。具有联动脱钩装置的救生艇,其控制手柄应涂成()。《海上交通安
  • To reduce the weight of the reciprocating parts, pistons of

    To reduce the weight of the reciprocating parts, pistons of high-speed engines are made considerably shorterThis results in __________.木材、棉花、纸张、麦草等固体可燃物的燃烧应为______。less piston s
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