微量元素(trace element)、肝功能损害(liver function damage)、泌尿系统(urinary system)、名誉权(right of reputation)、受害人(victim)、为什么(why)、龙胆紫(gentian violet)、止痛剂(anodyne)、道尔顿(dalton)
[判断题]名誉权受到毁损的受害人需要证明有损害名誉权的行为存在,同时需要证明实际损害发生。( )
[单选题]Why do you want a new job ______you've got such a good one already?
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. when
[单选题]Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. The climate is associated with man's intelligence.
B. People's creative thinking is changing from season to season.
C. That temperature affects one's creative thinking has been scientifically proved.
D. Autumn is the second best season for thinking.
[单选题]对小面积轻度烧伤,处理措施不适宜的是 ( )
A. 不要轻易应用扰生素
B. 早期给予镇静、止痛剂(anodyne)
C. 清洁创面涂以红汞或龙胆紫(gentian violet)后暴露
D. 创面用无菌盐水或氯巴定(洗必泰)溶液冲洗
E. 对已破水疱,去除表皮后,创面用烧伤膏涂抹
[单选题]设计教学是由谁提出的?( )
A. 毕朋虚
B. 克伯屈
C. 道尔顿(dalton)
D. 杜威
[多选题]肠外营养的并发症包括( )
A. 气胸
B. 肝功能损害
C. 泌尿系统感染
D. 肠源性感染
E. 微量元素缺乏