理想气体(ideal gas)、自由度(degree of freedom)、知识点(knowledge point)、高利贷(usury)、资本主义经济(capitalist economy)、平均利润(average profit)、处于平衡态(be in the balance state)、事实上(in fact)、所有权和使用权(land ownership and the use rights)、刚性双原子分子(rigid diatomic molecule)
[单选题]资本主义经济中资本的所有权和使用权(land ownership and the use rights)的分离导致( )
A. 平均利润的产生
B. 企业利润和利息的分离
C. 利息的出现
D. 高利贷的产生
[单选题]当刚性双原子分子(rigid diatomic molecule)理想气体处于平衡态(be in the balance state)时,根据能量按自由度均分定理,一个分子的平均平动动能( )
A. 大于一个分子的平均转动动能
B. 小于一个分子的平均转动动能
C. 等于一个分子的平均转动动能
D. 与一个分子平均转动动能谁大谁小是随机变化的
[单选题]The last sentence of Para. 2 could be explained as which of the following?
A. Many phenomena can be subjects of scientific explanations.
B. Many phenomena can find answers in scientific explanations.
C. Scientific explanations cannot provide answers to many phenomena.
D. Scientific explanations are not related to many phenomena.