肺动脉(pulmonary artery)、保障制度(security system)、生物群落(biocoenosis)、咨询机构(machinery for consultation)、社会成员(social members)、原始社会(primitive society)、基本生活(basic living)、按劳分配制度、发生变化、社会主义、共产主义
[单选题]关于生物群落的特征,下列叙述正确的是( )
A. 生物群落的特征是群落内所有生物的群体表现
B. 一棵草、一棵树各自显示着不同生物群落的外貌
C. 一棵树木的高大挺拔代表了森林群落的外貌特征
D. 植物、动物、微生物对生物群落特征的影响大小一致
[单选题]Concerning baby-sitting and managing a paper route, which of the following statement is true?
A. Both call for daily service.
B. Both call for a sense of responsibility.
C. Neither is affected by bad weather.
D. Neither is helpful to character development.
[单选题]Since Wallerstein's study, ______.
A. there are fewer divorces
B. children of divorce no longer get therapy
C. times and attitudes toward divorce have changed
D. people don't talk about divorce any more
A. againstB. after
B. before
C. besides
[单选题]国家对社会成员的基本生活(basic living)给予物质保证的社会安全制度是( )
A. 按劳分配制度
B. 按需分配制度
C. 社会保障制度
D. 平均分配制度
A. 血容量
B. 静脉血管张力
C. 肺动脉血压
D. 静脉回心血量
E. 右心室排血能力
A. 肝大,表面光滑,质软,无压疼B.肝大,表面光滑,质软
B. 肝大,表面光滑,质软,压痛
C. 肝大,质较硬,表面可触及小结节,缘薄,无压痛
D. 肝大,质硬,压痛明显,表面结节状
E. 1.急性肝炎( )
F. 2.早期肝硬化( )