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    反刍动物、科学研究(scientific research)、基本内容(basic content)、绿色植物(green plant)、非饱和(unsaturated)、有利于(beneficial to)、浮游生物(plankton)、第一个(first)、不成立(doubtlessness)、参考答案

  • [单选题]科学研究证明,非饱和脂肪酸含量高和饱和脂肪酸含量低的食物有利于预防心脏病。鱼通过食用浮游生物(plankton)中的绿色植物使体内含有丰富的非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加-3”。而牛和其他反刍动物通过食用青草同样获得丰富的非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加-3”。因此,多食用牛肉和多食用鱼对于预防心脏病都是有效的。以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱题干的论证?

  • A. 在单位数量的牛肉和鱼肉中,前者非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加-3”的含量要少于后者。
    B. 欧洲疯牛病的风波在全球范围内大大减少了牛肉的消费者,增加了鱼肉的消费者。
    C. 牛和其他反刍动物在反刍消化的过程中,把大量的非饱和脂肪酸转化为饱和脂肪酸。
    D. 实验证明,鱼肉中含有的非饱和脂肪酸“奥米加-3”比牛肉中含有的非饱和脂肪酸更易被人吸收。

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  • [单选题]● 在一个网络内有很多主机,现在需要知道究竟有哪些主机。方法之一是:从指定网络内的第一个(first)主机地址开始,依次向每个地址发送信息并等待应答。该方法所使用的协议及报文是(15) 。(15)
  • A. ICMP,回送请求报文
    B. UDP,17类型报文
    C. TCP,SYN 报文
    D. PING,测试报文

  • [多选题]● Information systems design is defined as those tasks that focus on the specification of a detailed computer-based solution. Typically, there are four systems design tasks for in-house development.1) The first task is to specify (71) , which defines the technologies to be used by one, more, or all information systems in terms of their data, processes, interfaces, and network components. This task is accomplished by analyzing the data models and process models that are initially created during requirements analysis.
  • A. 2) The next systems design task is to develop the (72) . The purpose of this task is to prepare technical design specifications for a database that will be adaptable to future requirements and expansion.
    B. 3) Once the database prototype has been built, the systems designer can work closely with system users to develop input, output and dialogue specifications. The (73) must be specified to ensure that the outputs are not lost, misrouted, misused, or incomplete.
    C. 4) The fourth design task involves packaging all the specifications from the previous design tasks into a set of specifications that will guide the (74) activities during the following phases of the systems development methodology.
    D. Finally, we should (75) and update the project plan accordingly. The key deliverable should include a detailed plan for the construction phase that should follow.
    E. (71)
    F. an application architecture
    G. a distributed system
    H. a system scope
    I. a system physical model
    J. (72)
    K. database design specifications
    L. database organization decisions
    M. data structure specifications
    N. data distribution decisions
    O. (73)
    P. format and layout
    Q. transaction details
    R. additional instructions
    S. internal controls
    T. (74)
    U. system administrator’s
    V. system analyst’s
    W. computer programmer’s
    X. system designer’s
    Y. (75)
    Z. adjust the project schedule

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