

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-09-13     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]On a half-duplex Ethernet LAN, two hosts attempt to send data simultaneously, resulting in a collision. Following this collision, what will the hosts do? (Select all valid answers)

A. The destination host sends a request to the source for retransmission.
B. The jam signal indicates that the collision has been cleared.
C. The hosts will attempt to resume transmission after a time delay has expired.
D. An electrical pulse indicates that the collision has cleared.
E. The router on the segment will signal that the collision has cleared.
F. F. The hosts will do nothing, as the higher layers are responsible for data error correction and re-transmission.

2. [单选题]关于OSPF中DR的说法不正确的是()

A. 通过hello报文选举DR
B. 如果某路由器优先级比DR优先级高,但启动晚,它会抢占原来的DR自己成为DR
C. 一个广播类型网络中只能有一个DR
D. 一旦DR失效,BDR接替DR的工作,并重新选举一个BDR

3. [单选题]在路由器上,命令show access-list的功能是()

A. 显示访问控制列表内容
B. 显示路由表内容
C. 显示端口配置信息
D. 显示活动配置文件(configuration file)

4. [单选题]命令“ping127.0.0.1”的功能是()

A. 测试网卡是否正常
B. 测试网关是否正常
C. 测试TCP/IP协议是否正常
D. 测试介质是否正常

5. [单选题]路由器“全局模式”的提示符为()

A. >
C. (config)
D. (config-router)

6. [单选题]EIGRP的管理距离()

A. 90
B. 100
C. 110
D. 120

7. [单选题]OSI七层模型中,传输层的数据封装名称为()

A. 比特
B. 帧
C. 包
D. 段

8. [单选题]路由器“特权模式”的提示符是:()

A. >
C. (config)
D. (config-if)

9. [多选题]You need to configure an 802.1Q link on a Ezonexam switch. Which commands, when used together, would do this? (Select two answer choices)

A. Switch(vlan) mode trunk
B. Switch(config) switchport access mode trunk
C. Switch(config-if) switchport mode trunk
D. Switch(config-if) switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
E. Switch(config) switchport access mode 1
F. F. Switch(vlan) trunk encapsulation dot1q

10. [单选题]What is the purpose of the spanning-tree algorithm in a switched LAN?

A. To provide a monitoring mechanism for networks in switched environments.
B. To manage VLANs across multiple switches.
C. To prevent switching loops in networks with redundant switched paths.
D. To segment a network into multiple collision domains.
E. To prevent routing loops in networks.

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