动作电位(action potential)、经济建设(economic construction)、神经纤维(nerve fibers)、依法治国(rule by law)、文学艺术(literature and art)、共同理想(common ideal)、文化环境(cultural environment)、精神支柱(spiritual prop)、中国特色社会主义文化建设(the building of socialist culture with
...)、基底膜振动(basilar membrane vibration)
A. 发展社会主义民主
B. 经济建设这个中心
C. 依法治国的目标
D. 社会稳定的大局
[单选题]Passage OneThe exact year of Christ's birth is not recorded, but the calendar began on the supposed date divides time into B.C. (before Christ) and
A. D. (in the year of our Lord). Nor was the exact day of his birth known. For the first 300 years his birthday was celebrated on different days. It was not until the year 354 that December25thwas chosen.
B. Christmas music is loved by all who hear and sing it every year. Carols, bells, and merry music have been a part of Christmas for centuries. Every Christmas Eve the bells ring to call people to church services. The most famous sleigh bells in the world belong to Santa Claus.
C. Christmas is a family festival. In the United States, no distance seems too great if it enables one to join the family circle for the holiday. All schools close for two weeks, parents welcome home their children and grandchildren and often open their doors to friends and strangers.
D. 31. The calendar began ______.
E. in the exact year of Christ' birth
F. on the exact date which divides time intoC. and A.D.
G. on December 25th
H. on the chosen date
[单选题]中国特色社会主义文化建设(the building of socialist culture with )的根本是( )
A. 发展教育和科学
B. 营造良好的文化环境(cultural environment)
C. 在全社会形成共同理想和精神支柱(spiritual prop)
D. 发展文学艺术
[单选题]宋代米芾、米友仁父子的“米派”以_________最为著名。 ( )
A. 出水画
B. 花鸟画
C. 人物殛
D. 墨竹画
[多选题]耳蜗对声音强度的分析( )
A. 通过基底膜振动(basilar membrane vibration)的幅度
B. 通过基底膜毛细胞被兴奋的数目
C. 通过传输动作电位的神经纤维的数目
D. 通过单一纤维上动作电位的发放频率
E. 通过多根纤维上动作电位的发放频率