爱国主义(patriotism)、集体主义(collectivism)、经济手段(economic means)、构建社会主义和谐社会(constructing socialist harmonious socie
...)、“三个有利于”、五中全会(the sixth plenary session)、四中全会(the fourth plenum)、社会主义思想道德建设(socialism ideological and moral constru
[单选题]社会主义思想道德建设(socialism ideological and moral constru)的基本原则是( )
A. 爱国主义
B. 集体主义
C. 为人民服务
D. 为社会主义服务
[多选题]1992年春,邓小平在南方谈话中提出了( )
A. 关于社会主义本质的思想
B. 关于“三个有利于”思想
C. 关于计划和市场都是经济手段的思想
D. 关于“发展才是硬道理”的思想
[单选题]Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
A. In our day of the automobile and paved highway few people ever encounter quicksand(流沙). Yet quicksand is still common in many pans of the country. It may be more dangerous for being less familiar.
B. Quicksand is usually found along the shores and in the beds of rivers. It is simply sand saturated(使饱和)with water from beneath,as from a spring. The water flowing into the sand separates the grains. The suspended grains give rather easily and a heavy object placed on the surface is likely to sink. How fast it sinks depends on its weight and surface area.
C. How does one detect quicksand? It cannot be done by the eye alone,since sand which looks firm may suddenly collapse and trap anyone who ventures out on it. The only way to be sure is to test the sand before walking on it. For test a probing(探索)pole or long stick should be used. If the pole sinks more than six inches,the sand is probably quicksand.
D. A traveler who stumbles into quicksand will soon sink to the depth of his knees. If he stands still or struggles wildly,he will sink even further. He should at once lie on his back and stretch out his arms. Contrary to popular notion,quicksand does not suck objects down,and will support more weight than water alone. While the trapped person “floats” on the surface of the sand,rescuers should build a platform. with boards or branches. Then they can pull him out slowly.
E. If the trapped person is alone,he can rescue himself. When he is in the floating position,he should begin rolling toward solid ground. Rolling is the only way of getting free. It should be done with frequent rests,so that the trapped person does not tire himself. When he reaches solid ground,he should swing his legs to safety,and quickly scramble out of the quicksand.
F. The main idea of this passage is______.
G. that today few people ever encounter quicksand
H. that quicksand is still common in many parts of the country
I. that quicksand cannot be detected by the eye alone
J. expressed by none of the above
[单选题]期权买方只可在合约到期时行使权利的是( )
A. 美式期权
B. 欧式期权
C. 看涨期权
D. 看跌期权
[单选题]第一次明确提出“构建社会主义和谐社会”重要概念的党的会议是中共( )。
A. 十六届三中全会
B. 十六届四中全会(the fourth plenum)
C. 十六届五中全会
D. 十六届六中全会
A. 世界的本源是什么
B. 人的自我价值和社会价值
C. 自己生存和发展的一般状态
D. 什么样的人生才有意义
[单选题]下列因素不能影响金融工具流动性的是( )
A. 偿还期
B. 金融工具的形式
C. 盈利率
D. 发生者的资信程度