

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-09-08     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]当拓扑信息完成交换,相邻路由器具有相同的LSDB时,下列哪项OSPF邻居状态是希望得到的()

A. 2-WAY
C. Exchange
D. Loading

2. [多选题]下列哪一设备工作时,要用到OSI的七个层(一层到七层)()

B. 网管机
C. WEB服务器
D. 交换机
E. 路由器

3. [多选题]请选出交换机处理帧的三种模式:()

A. 直通模式
B. 存储转发模式
C. 侦测模式
D. 分段模式
E. 阻塞模式

4. [单选题]Why might the Ezonexam network administrator set the configuration register to 0x2142 on a 2600 series Cisco router?

A. To boot the IOS from ROM
B. To reset the console password
C. To upload a new version of the configuration file
D. To upload a new version of the IOS
E. To allow a new memory upgrade to be recognized by the router

5. [单选题]The network administrator has configured port security on a Ezonexam switch. Why would a network administrator configure port security on this Ezonexam device?

A. To prevent unauthorized hosts from getting access to the LAN
B. To limit the number of Layer 2 broadcasts on a particular switch port
C. To prevent unauthorized Telnet or SSH access to a switch port
D. To prevent the IP and MAC address of the switch and associated ports
E. None of the above

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