稀盐酸(dilute hydrochloric acid)、蒸馏水(distilled water)、容量瓶(volumetric flask)、世纪末(century end)、青壮年人、人口再生产(population reproduction)、玻璃棒(glass rod)、稀释浓硫酸
A. 自20世纪70年代,人口再生产(population reproduction)进入现代型
B. 可能位于欧洲
C. 1990年人口达到900万
D. 20世纪末青壮年人口比重偏大
[单选题]What made the author laugh?
A. His own behavior
B. His wife’s suggestion
C. His changeable feelings.
D. His wife’s sweet kiss.
[单选题]Jenny nearly missed the flight doing too much shopping.
A. as a result of
B. on top of
C. in front of
D. in need of
[单选题]What has the woman decided to do on Sunday aftermoon?
A. To attend a wedding+
B. To visit an exhibition.
C. To meet a friend.
[单选题]How did the acidcent happen ?
A. a longhit a car
B. a car ran into a lorry
C. a bank clerk rushed into the street .
A. 稀释浓硫酸时,应将蒸馏水沿玻璃棒(glass rod)缓慢注入浓硫酸中
B. 配制溶液时,若加水超过容量瓶刻度,应用胶头滴管将多余溶液吸出
C. 酸碱滴定时,若加入待测液前用待测液润洗锥形瓶,将导致测定结果偏高
D. 检验某溶液是否含有SO42-时,应取少量该溶液,依次加入BaCl2溶液和稀盐酸