

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-08-12     [手机版]    
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  • 795次
  • 中文简体
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1. [单选题]船舶在中华人民共和国管辖海域向海洋排放的?()①船舶垃圾、生活污水;②含油污水应当符合法律、法规要求

A. ①
B. ②
C. ①②

2. [单选题]________ the clock 20 minutes ahead for local time

A. Reduce
B. Advance
C. Adjust
D. Tune

3. [单选题]A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel enginesto( ).

A. reduce heat radiation to the engine room
B. aid in preventing turbocharger overheating
C. condense and drain moisture from exhaust gases
D. dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold

4. [单选题]“对遇局面”条款适用的能见度是()。

A. 能见度良好的情况
B. 任何能见度,但必须两船在互见中
C. 能见度大于5nmile的情况
D. 能见度大于2nmile的情况

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