波纹管(bellows)、滞后性(hysteretic nature)、使用寿命。、延长使用寿命(increase of service life)、故障率曲线(failure rate curve)
A. 水
B. 泡沫
C. 沙土
[单选题]故障率曲线(failure rate curve)中,如果机械和设备的故障率曲线(failure rate curve)具有明显的( )故障期和足够大的( )故障期,上述机械和设备可采用定时维修方式延长使用寿命。
A. 早期/磨损
B. 随机/磨损
C. 磨损/随机
D. 磨损/早期
[单选题]波纹管在安装到仪表上时,往往采取预压缩的措施,其目的是( )。
A. 提高线性度和线性范围
B. 增加波纹管的强度
C. 减小波纹管的滞后性
D. 降低波纹管的刚度
[单选题]Which of the following problems can occur if you continually fail to drain off condensate from a starting air receiver?
A. Corrosion and eventual failure of the tank
B. Gumming of the tank relief valves
C. Immediate failure of components downstream of the compressed air system
D. Boiling of the water oil mixture as pressure is reduced