系统集成(system integration)、管理方式、不一致(inconsistency)、事实标准(defacto standard)、延迟时间。、文不对题、不真实(falsehood)、正当理由(justification)、担保书(warranty)、履约保证书(performance bond)
A. 减轻风险
B. 回避风险
C. 转移风险
D. 接受风险
[单选题]● 存储转发方式是实现网络互联的方式之一,其主要问题是在每个节点上产生不确定的延迟时间。克服这一问题的最有效方法是(9) 。(9)
A. . 设置更多的缓冲区
B. 设计更好的缓冲区分配算法
C. 提高传输介质的传输能力
D. 减少分组的长度
[多选题]Originally, the World-Wide Web was designed as information medium for ()research teams. A deliberately simple implementation model was chosen to make it as simple as possible for authors to ()documents to the web, and to ()these in the sense of updating content. This implementation model is centered around the notion of resources, usually file-based. For the ()intended use of the web, resources presented a useful abstraction, as they related to relatively self-contained chunks of information such as research publications and()pages. Such chunks of information typically could be set up and maintained independently of other resources, so that resources were the appropriate abstraction for composition and modification. ()
A. all
B. world
C. distributed
D. internet ()
A. F。
B. G。
C. H。
D. L。
A. 上述论证严重忽视了有超出辩论者和评判者之外的事实标准和逻辑标准。
B. 上述论证犯有“混淆概念”的逻辑错误。
C. 上述论证中的理由不真实(falsehood),并且相互不一致。
D. 上述论证犯有“文不对题”的逻辑错误。
B. 160万元
C. 120万元
D. 50万元
A. 40万元B. 160万元
B. 120万元
C. 50万元