子网掩码(subnet mask)、物理层(physical layer)、通配符(wildcard)、十进制(decimal system)、十六进制(hexadecimal system)、数据链路层(data link layer)
A. 两者没有什么区别
B. 通配符掩码和子网掩码恰好相反
C. 一个是十进制的,另一个是十六进制(hexadecimal system)的
D. 两者都是自动生成的
A. 物理层
B. 数据链路层(data link layer)
C. 网络层
D. 传输层
[多选题]Regarding the extended ping command; which of the statements below are true?(Select all valid answer choices)
A. The extended ping command is supported from user EXEC mode.
B. The extended ping command is available from privileged EXEC mode.
C. With the extended ping command you can specify the TCP and UDP port to be pinged.
D. With the extended ping command you can specify the timeout value.
E. With the extended ping command you can specify the datagram size.
[多选题]Which of the following are types of flow control? (Choose three)
A. Buffering
B. Cut-through
C. Windowing
D. Congestion avoidance
E. Load balancing