
以下不属于私有地址的网段是( )。

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    脆弱性(vulnerability)、数据结构(data structure)、建设单位(construction unit)、浏览器(browser)、线性表(linear list)、一部分(part)、计算机程序设计语言(the computer programming language)、一致意见、小应用程序(applet)、必须有(must have)

  • [单选题]以下不属于私有地址的网段是( )。

  • A.

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]●数据结构反映了数据元素之间的结构关系。链表是一种非顺序存储线性表,它对于数据元素的插入和删除(48) 。(48)
  • A. 不需要移动结点,不需要改变结点指针
    B. 不需要移动结点,只需要改变结点指针
    C. 只需要移动结点,不需要改变结点指针
    D. 既需要移动结点,又需要改变结点指针

  • [单选题]以下哪个选项是缺乏适当的安全控制的表现
  • A. 威胁
    B. 脆弱性
    C. 资产
    D. 影响

  • [单选题]在监理执行过程中,监理单位(56)调换监理机构的总监理工程师入选。
  • A. 同建设单位商议后可以
    B. 和建设单位、承建单位达成一致意见后可以
    C. 取得建设单位书面同意后可以
    D. 不能

  • [单选题]The most accurate and most boring way to(66)Java is that it is a new computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems that creates(67)independent programs that can be distributed and run remotely. To run Java programs, a computer must have a Java interpreter. Currently(68)Java programs are small "applets" that are(68)as part of web pages.When you use a Java(69)browser to view a Web page that includes a Java applet, the browser loads the applet onto your computer through your modem or network. Then the Java interpreter runs the applet, which could include animation or sound, on your computer rather than transmitting the code bit by bit over Internet. A few thousand bytes of Java code can turn into a powerful program on your computer.
  • A. So an applet could include(70)with Java interpreter.
    B. conunand
    C. comment
    D. describe
    E. discover

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/4ex5ep.html
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