蒲公英(dandelion)、雌配子体(female gametophyte)、裸子植物(gymnosperm)、天气状况(weather condition)
[单选题]甲聚落第三天的天气状况(weather condition)为
A. 晴天转阴雨
B. 大风有浮尘
C. 晴暖有微风
D. 阵风间暴雨
[单选题]57 What does the author mean by “it’s a two-way street’ in paragraph 10?
A. China and India have different traffic rules
B. Tea trade works wonders in both India and China
C. Chinese products are popular in both China and India,
D. The exchanges between India and China benefit both
[单选题]党参、桔梗、蒲公英具上位花。( )
A. 正确
B. 错误
[单选题]裸子植物的雌配子体是( )。
A. 成熟胚囊
B. 珠心
C. 珠心和胚乳
D. 胚乳和颈卵器
[单选题]茎的伸长区短,根的伸长区长。( )
A. 正确
B. 错误