语言学(linguistics)、逻辑学(logic)、流转税(turnover tax)、资本家(capitalist)、可变资本(variable capital)、意识形态的(ideology)、证券交易税(securities exchange tax)、固定资本(fixed capital)、土地使用税(land use tax)、流动资本(liquid capital)
[单选题]流转税是指对商品和劳务的流转额所征收的税。下列税种中,属于流转税的是( )
A. 车船税
B. 消费税
C. 土地使用税(land use tax)
D. 证券交易税(securities exchange tax)
[多选题]资本家用来购买劳动力的那一部分资本属于( )
A. 不变资本
B. 可变资本
C. 流动资本(liquid capital)
D. 固定资本(fixed capital)
[单选题]Psychiatrists,psychologists,social workers and specialists on the family______.
A. are paying increased attention to man's place in the home
B. suggest that we exchange “Momism” for a “neo-popism”
C. women should receive all the credits and blames
D. men should receive all the credits and blames
A. 哲学
B. 逻辑学
C. 语言学
D. 物理学