科学家(scientist)、怨天尤人、按部就班、苦心孤诣、进一步研究(further study)、惟命是从(absolutely obedient)
[单选题]下列词语中,书写有误的一项是( )
A. 绰号 贻误 销声匿迹 死心踏地
B. 秀颀 逾越 怨天尤人 肆无忌惮
C. 融洽 恬静 拈轻怕重 苦心孤诣
D. 萦回 干涸 按部就班 惟命是从(absolutely obedient)
[单选题]43. _________ scientists have done a lot of research on A (HINl) flu,there are still some cases for further study.
A. As
B. Once
C. If
D. Although
[单选题]7.—Happy birthday to you !—__________.
A. You are good
B. Great
C. You are right
D. Thank you
[单选题]20. Betty likes __________ very much. She draws pictures every day.
A. art
B. music
C. sport
D. science