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  • 【名词&注释】

    卫星通信(satellite communication)、能见度(visibility)、化脓性(suppurative)、传播速度(propagation velocity)、开放性伤口(open wound)、适用于(suitable for)

  • [单选题]按照爆炸的变化和传播速度,化学爆炸可分为()

  • A. 爆燃和爆炸
    B. 爆燃和爆震
    C. 爆燃、爆炸和爆震

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
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  • [单选题]GMDSS的通信资费类型是_____。
  • A. 国内与国际资费
    B. 地面通信与卫星通信资费
    C. 电话与电传资费
    D. 免费与商业资费

  • [单选题]The globe valve has a bulbous body, housing a valve seat and screw down plug or disc arranged at right angles to the axis of the pipeAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?
  • A. The profile of the valve is like a globe
    B. The valve seat is set into the bulbous body
    C. The plug or disc of the valve is made vertical to the axis of the pipe
    D. The valve seat is located at right side of the plug or disc

  • [单选题]超过______开放性伤口(open wound),以及化脓性感染切开引流后的伤口,被认为是感染伤口。
  • A. 1~6小时
    B. 8~12小时
    C. 13~24小时
    D. 以上都对

  • [单选题]与对遇、交叉相遇局面相比,规则十三条定义的追越局面独具的特点是:
  • A. 适用于(suitable for)任何能见度
    B. 适用于(suitable for)互见
    C. 适用于(suitable for)任何船舶
    D. 适用于(suitable for)多船会遇

  • [单选题]某轮罗航向030°,罗经差ΔC-3°,则该轮的真航向TC等于:()
  • A. 033°
    B. 027°
    C. 27°
    D. ABC都对

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/55dxyp.html
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