布丁学网发布"_____ allows for expansion and water make up in the water co"考试试题下载及答案,更多海船船员的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问布丁学网职业技能鉴定频道。
[单选题]_____ allows for expansion and water make up in the water cooling system.
A. A top tank
B. A head tank
C. A head valve
D. A drain tank
[单选题]The risk of collision shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of an approaching vessel ().
A. did not appreciably change
B. does not appreciably change
C. do not appreciably change
D. not appreciably change
[单选题]下列船舶中可能不属于操纵能力受到限制的船舶是( )。
A. 从事拖带作业船
B. 从事清除水雷作业船
C. 从事疏浚作业船
D. 从事水下作业的船舶
A. 符合第三条定义的规定
B. 显示规定号灯、号型
C. 符合第三条定义并显示规定的号灯、号型
D. 符合第三条定义或显示规定的号灯、号型