归纳法、使用价值(use value)、生产者(producer)、经济关系(economic relations)、演绎法(deductive method)、劳动产品(labour product)、五代史、可表示(can be expressed)
[多选题]商品是( )
A. 用来交换的劳动产品(labour product)
B. 人类劳动的产品
C. 使用价值和价值的统一
D. 商品生产者之间的经济关系的体现
[单选题]What did the host do to the thief?
A. He cursed him very loudly.
B. He gave him food and money.
C. He drove him out of the house.
D. He called the police immediately.
[单选题]从整体上看,《五代史伶官传序》的主要论证方法是( )。
A. 归纳法
B. 演绎法
C. 类比法
D. 对比法
[单选题]设rear是指向非空带头结点的循环单链表的尾指针,则删除起始结点的操作可表示(can be expressed)为( )
A. s=rear;
B. rear=rear—>next; rear=rear—>next; free(rear); free(s);
C. rear=rear—>next—>next;
D. s=rear—>next—>next; free(rear); rear—>next—>next=s—>next; free(s);