精神紧张(psychentonia)、兴趣爱好(interests and hobbies)、代表作(masterpiece)、克服困难(tide over difficulty)、狄德罗(denis diderot)、《浮士德》(faust)、半小时(half an hour)、肠道抗生素(intestinal antibiotics)、并列句(coordinate clause)
[单选题]下列现象中,不属于动物对极端高温适应的表现的是( )
A. 夏眠
B. 昼伏夜出
C. 体重加重
D. 放松恒温性
[单选题]第 30 题 意志行动的基础是( )
A. 兴趣爱好
B. 随意运动
C. 克服困难
D. 意志自由
[单选题]Balloons float in the air_________ boats do on the sea.
A. just as
B. when
C. that
D. where
[单选题]People who suffer from astigmatism
A. have a curable disease in their eyes
B. have eyes that are not exactly the right shape
C. have a difficulty that can be corrected by an operation
D. have an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glasses
A. fiercestB. wild
B. softest
C. weak
A. homesB. jobs
B. arms
C. seats
[单选题]诗剧《浮士德》是的代表作。( )
A. 雨果
B. 歌德
C. 席勒
D. 狄德罗
[多选题]结肠、直肠手术的术前准备包括( )
A. 术前3天始口服肠道抗生素(intestinal antibiotics)
B. 术前夜清洁灌肠
C. 术前3天始灌肠
D. 术前禁食3天
E. 术前2天开始全身应用抗生素
[多选题]测定人体的BMR应在下列哪些条件下进行( )
A. 进食12h后
B. 清醒、静卧半小时(half an hour)以上
C. 避免精神紧张
D. 室温在20~25℃范围
E. 以上都不是