时间延迟(time delay)、约束条件(constraint condition)、连带责任(joint liability)、人身权利(personal rights)、不承担责任(assume no responsibility for)、基本关系(basic relation)、《著作权法》(law of copyright)、产品名称(name of article)、软件著作权人、产品数量(quantity of statistical production)
[多选题]Originally, the World-Wide Web was designed as information medium for ()research teams. A deliberately simple implementation model was chosen to make it as simple as possible for authors to ()documents to the web, and to ()these in the sense of updating content. This implementation model is centered around the notion of resources, usually file-based. For the ()intended use of the web, resources presented a useful abstraction, as they related to relatively self-contained chunks of information such as research publications and()pages. Such chunks of information typically could be set up and maintained independently of other resources, so that resources were the appropriate abstraction for composition and modification. ()
A. all
B. world
C. distributed
D. internet ()