传统节日(traditional festival)、可用性、《理想国》、《黑客帝国》、监控器(monitor)、趋利避害、压岁钱、不自觉、评论家(critic)
A. 诸如贴春联、祭祖、迎送财神等烘托节日气氛的习俗在城里的春节中已经消失。
B. 诸如吃饺子、送压岁钱等传统节日内容在城里的春节中依然兴盛不衰。
C. 诸如《理想国》、《黑客帝国》中的纯理性人群不需要过有浪漫气氛的节日。
D. 诸如端午、中秋、重阳等中国的传统节日不是官方法定的节日。
[单选题]某服务器软件系统对可用性(Availabilty)和性能(Performance)要求较高,以下 (26) 设计策略能提高该系统的可用性, (27) 设计策略能够提高该系统的性能。(26)
A. 限制访问
B. 内置监控器
C. 主动冗余
D. 队列调度
[单选题]One study conducted by a psychologist(121)of interviewing workers before and after the installation of a robot. The robot was used to control a matching process of stamping and assembling metal parts. Prior to installation, much of the work done by skilled machinists. After installation, the robot did the work, but the workers controlled the robot through the robot through a control panel. The results of the study indicated that the workers praised the robot(122)eliminating the physical labor and fatigue(123)the manual operation, but complained of more and continued stress. Prior to installation of the robot, there was time for talking or short periods of relaxation between jobs. Now, however, because of the speed of the robot, there was a need for constant scanning and monitoring of the operation(124)performed by the robot has the installation of the robot created a better work environment? Has the change from physical labor to mental stress resulted in an improved(125)of life? Much additional research is necessary.
A. Of
B. consisted
C. for
D. being