习惯用法(idiomatic usage)、生活型(life form)、外资企业(foreign enterprise)、企业职工(enterprise staff)、按劳分配(distribution according to work)、股份制(stock system)、集体企业(collective enterprise)、劳动所得(labour income)、个体劳动者(individual workers)、职工工资收入(staff and worker salary)
[单选题]下列各种收入中,就其性质来说属于按劳分配收入的是( )
A. 集体企业(collective enterprise)中职工工资收入(staff and worker salary)
个体劳动者(individual workers)的劳动所得(labour income)
外资企业的职工工资收入(staff and worker salary)
[单选题]Students: Professor Lance, your lecture on cloning is very interesting!Professor: .Are you a student of biology?
A. Students: No, I major in chemistry.
B. I think so
C. I'm glad to hear that
D. It must be
E. It's not so interesting
[单选题]Does ______ matter if he can't finish tile job on time?
A. this
B. that
C. he
D. it
[单选题]生长在热带潮湿气候条件下的植物,具有相似的外在形态特征,其芽位于离地面较高处的枝条上,这类植物的生活型称为( )
A. 高位芽植物
B. 地上芽植物
C. 地面芽植物
D. 地下芽植物
[单选题]阑尾动脉发自 ( )
A. 右结肠动脉
B. 回肠动脉
C. 空肠动脉
D. 回结肠动脉
E. 中结肠动脉