污染环境(environmental pollution)、艺术欣赏(art appreciation)、艺术家(artist)、艺术形象(artistic image)、艺术创作(artistic creation)、民事责任(civil liability)、生产者(producer)、无过错责任原则(principle of liability without fault)、《民法通则》(general principles of civil law)、另一种(another)
[单选题]木耳属于( )
A. 分解者
B. 消费者
C. 初级消费者
D. 生产者(producer)
[单选题]依据《民法通则》(general principles of civil law),污染环境致人损害的民事责任归责原则是
A. 过错责任原则
B. 过错推定责任原则
C. 无过错责任原则(principle of liability without fault)
D. 公平责任原则
[单选题]The phrase “came up with” (Para. 2 is used to mean “_________ ”.
A. intended
B. restated
C. proposed
D. claimed
[单选题]A pop star usually leads quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling _________heavy schedules.
A. with regard to
B. as to
C. in relation to
D. owing to
[单选题]艺术家运用特定的艺术语言和材料,将其审美意识物化为具体可感的艺术形象或艺术情境,这属于艺术创作过程中的( )
A. 艺术表现
B. 艺术构思
C. 艺术体验
D. 艺术欣赏