携带者(carriers)、贫富差距(gap between rich and poor)、种族歧视(racial discrimination)、遗传物质(genetic material)、多基因遗传病、单基因遗传病(monogenic inheritance disorder)、贫血症(anemia)、隐性遗传病(recessive hereditary disease)、单基因突变(single gene mutation)、人类遗传病(human hereditary diseases)
[单选题]下列关于人类遗传病(human hereditary diseases)的叙述,错误的是
A. 单基因突变(single gene mutation)可以导致遗传病
B. 染色体结构的改变可以导致遗传病
C. 近亲婚配可增加隐性遗传病(recessive hereditary disease)的发病风险
D. 环境因素对多基因遗传病的发病无影响
[单选题]We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have we have here and treat food nicely.
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. whether
[单选题]听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the talk mainly about?
A. The history of the school.
B. The courses for the term.
C. The plan for the day.
A. 种族歧视严重
B. 阶级矛盾尖锐
C. 贫富差距加大
D. 社会暴力泛滥
[单选题]八角科植物花的花托形状为( )。
A. 柱状
B. 球形
C. 扁平
D. 杯状凹陷