
The network is subnetted using a /26 mask. How

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    子网掩码(subnet mask)、无限制、源地址(source address)

  • [单选题]The network is subnetted using a /26 mask. How many networks and IP hosts per network exists using this subnet mask?

  • A. 4 networks and 64 hosts
    B. 64 networks and 4 hosts
    C. 4 networks and 62 hosts
    D. 62 networks and 2 hosts
    E. 6 network and 30 hosts

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]访问控制列表分为标准和扩展两种。下面关于ACL的描述中,错误的是()。
  • A. 标准ACL可以根据分组中的IP源地址进行过滤
    B. 扩展ACL可以根据分组中的IP目标地址进行过滤
    C. 标准ACL可以根据分组中的IP目标地址进行过滤
    D. 扩展ACL可以根据不同的上层协议信息进行过滤

  • [单选题]某网络中,拟设计10子网,每个子网中放有14台设备,用IP地址段为199.41.10.X,请问符合此种规划的子网掩码是()
  • A.

  • [单选题]RIP协议负载均衡的路径数量为()
  • A. 无限制
    B. 最多4条
    C. 最多5条
    D. 最多6条

  • [单选题]The Ezonexam network administrator needs to a switch named VE1 to become the root bridge for a redundant path switched network. What can be done to ensure that VE1 will always assume the role as the root bridge?
  • A. Assign the switch a higher MAC address than the other switches in the network have
    B. Establish a direct link from the switch to all other switches in the network
    C. Configure the switch full-duplex operation and configure the other switches for half-duplex operation
    D. Configure the switch so that it has lower priority than other switches in the network
    E. None of the above

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