法律责任、时间词(time words)、强制性(compulsory)、无期徒刑(life imprisonment)、违法行为(illegal activities)、人员伤亡(casualty)、法律制裁、高级人民法院、硝酸银溶液(silver nitrate solution)、是不是(yes)
[多选题]②将铁粉和铜粉的混合物放入硝酸银溶液(silver nitrate solution)中,反应结束后,对剩余固体成分的判断正确的是______。
A. 肯定有银
B. 肯定有铜
C. 可能有铁
D. 可能是铁和银
A. 称量实验前铜丝网的质量
B. 将实验后的铜丝网干燥、称重
C. 向仪器中加入二氧化锰
D. 将实验后的铜丝网插入AgNO3溶液中
A. experience
B. eyes
C. mind
D. news
A. feelings
B. stories
C. lives
D. memories
[单选题]2009年9月8日,因无证醉酒驾车造成重大人员伤亡的孙伟铭,被四川省高级人民法院终审判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。从此案例中可以看出①孙伟铭触犯了刑法 ②违法要承担相应的法律责任
A. ③法律具有强制性 ④一般违法行为也要受到法律制裁
B. ②③
C. ①④
D. ①③④
E. ①②③
[单选题]BBreakfast is very important. It- s one of the most important meals of the day. To build strong bodies and keep healthy, everyone should always eat a good breakfast. Eating the right food is needed for good health. We may have eggs, bread, milk, etc.for our breakfast.
A. It-s bad for their health.
B. They can be often ill, and when they're ill, it may take them longer to be in good health again than it takes children with good health habits.
C. Nobody will live without food.
D. If we eat a good breakfast,________
E. we’ll be happy in the morning
F. we’ll make our bodies strong and keep healthy
G. we’ll eat less for lunch
H. we’ll pass the exam
A. hours
B. weeks
C. months
D. years
[单选题]以下各组加点词意思不同的一项是( )。(3分)
A. 便舍船 太丘舍去
B. 欲穷其林 子子孙孙无穷匮也
C. 有良田美池桑竹之属 忠之属也
D. 问今是何世 斯是陋室