关键词、重要问题(important problem)、国民革命、中共三大、中共二大(second national congress of the party)、民主革命纲领、切合实际(be suitable to actual circumstances)、工农联盟、急需解决(urgent to be solved)、无产阶级领导权(proletarian leadership)
[单选题]下列文章中通篇运用象征手法来抒情说理的是 ( )
A. 《爱尔克的灯光》
B. 《故都的秋》
C. 《往事》(之十四)
D. 《香市》
[单选题]《秋水》中的河伯指的是 ( )
A. 长江之神
B. 淮河之神
C. 渭河之神
D. 黄河之神
[单选题]Not only I but also Douglas and Miranda ____ fond of watching television.
A. am B.is
B. are
C. be
[单选题]A bag of wheat was enough for ______.
A. 19 squares
B. one third of the squares
C. the first 19 squares
D. 20 squares
[单选题]—What do you think of the _______car?—I think it is much better than his one.
A. latest, last
B. lately, lastly
C. early, lately
D. early, lastly
[单选题]油画《农夫的鞋》的是画家___的作品。( )
A. 梵?高
B. 高更
C. 塞尚
D. 罗丹
[单选题]提出无产阶级领导权(proletarian leadership)和工农联盟思想的大会是( )
A. 中共二大
B. 中共三犬
C. 中共四大
D. 中共五大