灭火剂(fire extinguishing agent)、干扰力(interference force)、充气式(pneumo type)、始终保持(always keep)
[单选题]A diesel engine experiences a sudden loss in speed, accompanied by black exhaust smoke, with the fuel rack at maximum, and speed remaining below normal .the probable ___.
A. engine overload
B. leaky valves
C. stuck or broken piston rings
D. low air injection pressure
[单选题]公约要求,充气式救助艇无论何时均应始终保持(always keep)()。
A. 可充气状态
B. 准备状态
C. 满充气状
[单选题]若干扰力的频率和系统自由振动的固有圆频率分别为p和ω,则高频区p/ω为( )。B.0.75≤(p/ω)≤1.25
A. (p/ω)>1.25
B. (p/ω)=0
[单选题]第三组:Ship recycling contributes to sustainable development and is the environmentally friendly way of disposing of ships with virtually every part of the hull, machinery, equipment, fittings and even furniture being re-used. However, while the principle of ship recycling is a sound one, the reported status of working practices and environmental standards in recycling facilities often leaves much to be desired. Such growing concerns about environmental safety, health and welfare matters in the ship recycling industry have resulted in a growing belief that an international instrument to regulate the ship recycling process is urgently needed.
A. Having become aware of the need to reduce the environmental, occupational health and safety risks related to ship recycling, as well as the need to secure the smooth withdrawal of ships that have reached the end of their operating lives, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has taken action to develop a realistic and effective solution to the problem of ship recycling, which will take into account the particular characteristics of international maritime transport and the economic realities.
B. Which statement of the following is true?
C. Ship recycling is sustainable
D. Ship recycling is very friendly to our environment
E. Ship recycling is the best way to dispose the machinery, equipment, fittings and even furniture on board
F. Ship recycling brings many problems concerning environmental safety, health and______occupational safety
A. 隔离
B. 窒息
C. 化学中断
D. 冷却
A. ①对
B. ②对
C. ①②都对
D. ①②都不对