生态型(ecotype)、生活型(life form)、正确处理(correctly handling)、工人阶级(working class)、电视台(tv station)、民族资产阶级(national bourgeoisie)、人民民主专政(people democratic dictatorship)、农民阶级(peasant class)、小资产阶级(petty bourgeoisie)
[单选题]我国人民民主专政(people democratic dictatorship)的最大特点是在人民范围内包括了( )
A. 工人阶级
B. 农民阶级(peasant class)
C. 城市小资产阶级(petty bourgeoisie)
D. 民族资产阶级
A. 正偏态
B. 正态
C. “U”型
D. 负偏态
[单选题]The writer thinks the failure of a building ______.
A. means nothing
B. concerns others
C. concerns only the artist
D. concerns all the people in the world
[单选题]Sometimes one parent of a child will kidnap his or her own child. In this case, ______ the Care Alertprogram.
A. publics will get information from
B. television may not get information from
C. the parent will be punished by
D. the child will be saved by
[单选题]下列各项体现正确处理个人的自我价值和社会价值关系的是( )
A. 宁让我负天下人,不让天下人负我
B. 把方便留给自己,把困难留给别人
C. 苦了我一人,幸福千万家
D. 主观为自己,客观为别人
[单选题]群落命名的依据是( )
A. 优势种
B. 生态型
C. 生活型
D. 小群落