改革开放(reform and opening)、基本经验(basic experience)、依法治国(rule by law)、组织细胞(histocyte)、微循环(microcirculation)、和平共处(peaceful coexistence)、强国之路(way to make china powerful)、代谢性酸中毒(metabolic acidosis)、血性休克(hemorrhagic shock)
[单选题]建设中国特色社会主义的基本经验证明,我国的强国之路(way to make china powerful)是
A. 依法治国
B. 改革开放
C. 和平共处
D. 以德治国
[单选题]Come earlier next time; ______ you'll be punished.
A. unless
B. until
C. otherwise
D. meanwhile
[单选题]What is the implication of the words on the bus wall?
A. All small acts will add up to kindness.
B. It's a small act to help a person in need.
C. Everyone can play his own part to make things better.
D. You should be kind to your neighbors and they will treat you the same way.
[单选题]关于失血性休克(hemorrhagic shock),下列选项错误的是 ( )
A. 休克的根本问题是组织细胞缺氧
B. 休克代偿期血压可略高于正常 ~~
C. 可伴有代谢性酸中毒(metabolic acidosis)
D. 中心静脉压可低于0.49kPa
E. 休克时,微循环的变化晚于血压下降