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    路由表(routing table)、过滤器(filter)、路由器(router)、数据包(packet)、快捷键(shortcut key)

  • [单选题]路由器当前的模式为“端口模式”,要退回到“特权模式”,应该使用的快捷键(shortcut key)为()

  • A. ctrl+b
    B. ctrl+z
    C. ctrl+c
    D. ctrl+p

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  • [单选题]下列对访问控制列表的描述不正确的是()。
  • A. 访问控制列表能决定数据是否可以到达某处
    B. 访问控制列表可以用来定义某些过滤器
    C. 一旦定义了访问控制列表,则其所规范的某些数据包就会严格被允许或拒绝
    D. 访问控制列表可以应用于路由更新的过程当中

  • [单选题]路由器上的命令“show version”的功能是()
  • A. 显示版本信息
    B. 显示端口配置信息
    C. 显示路由表
    D. 显示路由协议信息

  • [多选题]Which of the following statements correctly describe the differences between half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet? (Select two answer choices.)
  • A. Full-duplex Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to prevent collisions.
    B. Half-duplex Ethernet uses a loopback circuit to detect collisions.
    C. A full-duplex Ethernet card allows 20Mbps for data transmission.
    D. Full-duplex Ethernet makes use of two pairs of wires for data.
    E. An Ethernet hub can operate both half and full duplex simultaneously.

  • [多选题]What are two characteristics of "store and forward" switching? (Select two answer choices)
  • A. Latency fluctuates regardless of frame. size.
    B. The switch receives the complete frame. before beginning to forward it.
    C. Latency through the switch varies with frame. length.
    D. The switch checks the destination address upon receipt of headers.

  • [单选题]You need to decide on which trunking method to implement in the Ezonexam network. What is a characteristic of ISL and 802.1q frame. tagging in a switched LAN environment?
  • A. They are used to find the best path through a network.
    B. They allow the exchange of filtering tables.
    C. They specify different implementations of the Spanning-Tree Protocol.
    D. They allow the exchange of routing tables
    E. They provide inter-switch VLAN communication.

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/8jn4kn.html
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