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    实用新型(utility model)、行政部门(administrative department)、同样的发明创造(identical invention-creation)、书面形式(written form)、申请专利、《专利法》、密切相关(closely related)、专利申请文件(patent application documents)、专利申请人(patent applicant)、中国专利局(china patent office)

  • [单选题]据一项在几个大城市所做的统计显示,餐饮业的发展和瘦身健身业的发展呈密切相关(closely related)。从1985—1990年,餐饮业的网点增加了18%,同期在健身房正式注册参加瘦身健身的人数增加了17.5%;从1990—1995年,餐饮业的网点增加了25%,同期参加瘦身健身的人数增加了25.6%;从1995—2000年,餐饮业的网点增加了20%,同期参加瘦身健身的人数也正好增加了20%。如果上述统计真实无误,则以下哪项对上述统计事实的解释最可能成立?

  • A. 餐饮业的发展,扩大了肥胖群体,从而刺激了瘦身健身业的发展。
    B. 瘦身健身运动,刺激了参加者的食欲,从而刺激了餐饮业的发展。
    C. 在上述几个大城市中,最近15年来,主要从事低收入重体力工作的外来人口的逐年上升,刺激了各消费行业的发展。
    D. 在上述几个大城市中,最近15年来,城市人口的收入的逐年提高,刺激了包括餐饮业和健身业在内的各消费行业的发展。

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  • [多选题]Originally, the World-Wide Web was designed as information medium for ()research teams. A deliberately simple implementation model was chosen to make it as simple as possible for authors to ()documents to the web, and to ()these in the sense of updating content. This implementation model is centered around the notion of resources, usually file-based. For the ()intended use of the web, resources presented a useful abstraction, as they related to relatively self-contained chunks of information such as research publications and()pages. Such chunks of information typically could be set up and maintained independently of other resources, so that resources were the appropriate abstraction for composition and modification. ()
  • A. all
    B. world
    C. distributed
    D. internet ()

  • [单选题]2005年5月4日,张某向中国专利局(china patent office)提出发明专利申请;其后,张某对该发明作了改进,于2006年5月4日又就其改进发明向中国专利局(china patent office)提出申请时,可享有(8)。
  • A. 两项专利权
    B. 优先使用权
    C. 国际优先权
    D. 国内优先权

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