
1947年二二八起义发生在( )

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  • 【名词&注释】

    系统性(systemic)、管理机构、民事责任(civil liability)、违约责任(liability for breach of contract)、组织发展(organization development)、履行合同(perform a contract)、国家强制力、辛迪加(syndicate)、混合联合公司(conglomerate)、托拉斯(trust)

  • [单选题]1947年二二八起义发生在( )

  • A. 长沙
    B. 台湾
    C. 广州
    D. 南昌

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  • [单选题]Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
  • A. Tides are created mainly by the pull of the moon on the earth. The moon's pull causes water in the oceans to be a little deeper at a point closest to the moon and also at a point farthest from the moon, on the opposite side of the earth. These two tidal “waves” follow the apparent movement of the moon around the earth and strike nearly every coast line at intervals of about twelve hours and twenty-five minutes. After reaching a high point, the water level goes down gradually for a little more than six hours and then begins to rise toward a new high point. Hence, most coast lines have two tides a day, and the tides occur fifty minutes later each day. Differences in the coast line and in channels in the ocean bottom may change the time that the tidal wave reaches different points along the same coast line. The difference in water level between high and low tide varies from day to day according to the relative positions of the sun and the moon. The sun also exerts a pull on the earth, although it is only about haft as strong as the pull of the tides arise higher and when they pull at right angles to one another. the tide is lower. The formation of the coast line and variations in the weather are additional factors which can affect the height of tides. Some sections of the coast are shaped in such a way as to cause much higher tides than are experienced in other areas. A strong wind blowing toward the shore may also cause tides to the higher.
    B. Which of the following is right according to the passage?
    C. Some coast lines do not have two tides each day.
    D. Tides are not affected by the shape of coast line.
    E. The sun has as much effect on tides as does the moon.
    F. Tides usually rise to the same land day after day.

  • [单选题]The author raises issues that would most concern which of the following groups?
  • A. Electricians.
    B. Environmentalists.
    C. Aviators.
    D. Teachers.

  • [单选题]《寡人之于国也》中的“五十步笑百步”用的是哪种修辞方法( )
  • A. 象征
    B. 比拟
    C. 比喻
    D. 夸张

  • [单选题]曹魏建国后,以______执掌诏令发布权。( )
  • A. 中书
    B. 尚书
    C. 门下
    D. 侍中

  • [多选题]下列关于违约责任的表述正确的有( )
  • A. 违约责任须国家强制力保证实现,所以只能法定
    B. 违约责任主要具有惩罚性
    C. 违约责任具有相对性
    D. 违约责任是民事责任的一种形式
    E. 违约责任以合同当事人不履行合同义务为条件

  • [单选题]行政管理机构的首要特性是具有【 】
  • A. 权威性
    B. 主体性
    C. 系统性
    D. 合法性

  • [单选题]20世纪后半期垄断组织发展的新形式是()
  • A. 辛迪加(syndicate)
    B. 卡特尔
    C. 托拉斯(trust)
    D. 混合联合公司(conglomerate)

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