

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-08-04     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]煤油白粉法进行探伤时,操作顺序是( )。

A. 应先将清洗干净的零件浸入煤油中
B. 应先将清洗干净的零件表面撒上白粉
C. 应先将清洗干净的零件一边撒白粉一边撒煤油
D. 操作顺序无关紧要

2. [单选题]我国《船舶最低安全配员规则》规定,主推进动力装置(main propulsion power plant)3000kW及以上的一般船舶,轮机部最低配员应是______。

A. 高级船员4人、机工3人
B. 高级船员4人、值班机工3人
C. 高级船员5人、机工4人
D. 高级船员5人、值班机工4人

3. [单选题]活塞外圆表面的磨损一般发生在_______活塞裙部外圆表面

A. 长裙
B. 短裙
C. 筒形
D. 组合式

4. [单选题]When replacing a thermostatic expansion valve sensing bulb, it is necessary to

A. apply a light film of oil to increase heat transfer
B. apply a light film of oil to prevent oxidation
C. apply a heavy coating of grease to function as a heat sink
D. carefully coat the device with silicone sealant to reduce the effects of convective cooling

5. [单选题]When using a fuel with a higher than normal sulfur content in an auxiliary four stroke diesel engine, you may

A. maintain higher than normal jacket water temperature
B. change the lube oil more frequently than normal
C. maintain a higher air-box temperature than normal
D. maintain a higher air-box pressure than normal

6. [单选题]产生不完全燃烧的主要原因是缺乏______。

B. CO2
C. O2
D. O3

7. [单选题]发电用柴油机多用四冲程(four-stroke)筒形活塞式柴油机,主要是因为()

A. 转速较高
B. 结构简单
C. A+B
D. 尺寸与发电机相配

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