

来源: 布丁学网    发布:2022-08-11     [手机版]    
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1. [多选题]Originally, the World-Wide Web was designed as information medium for ()research teams. A deliberately simple implementation model was chosen to make it as simple as possible for authors to ()documents to the web, and to ()these in the sense of updating content. This implementation model is centered around the notion of resources, usually file-based. For the ()intended use of the web, resources presented a useful abstraction, as they related to relatively self-contained chunks of information such as research publications and()pages. Such chunks of information typically could be set up and maintained independently of other resources, so that resources were the appropriate abstraction for composition and modification. ()

A. all
B. world
C. distributed
D. internet ()

2. [单选题]图示方法是几何学课程的一种常用方法。这种方法使得这门课比较容易学,因为学生们得到了对几何概念的直观理解,这有助于培养他们处理抽象运算符号的能力。对代数概念进行图解相信会有同样的教学效果,虽然对数学的深刻理解(deeply understand)从本质上说是抽象的而非想象的。上述议论最不可能支持以下哪项判定?

A. 通过图示获得直观理解,并不是数学理解的最后步骤。
B. 具有很强的处理抽象运算符号能力的人,不一定(not always)具有抽象的数学理解能力(faculty of understanding mathematics)
C. 几何学课程中的图示方法是一种有效的教学方法。
D. 培养处理抽象运算符号的能力是几何学课程的目标之一。

3. [单选题]某个配置项的版本号是 2.01,按照配置项版本号规则表明()

A. 目前配置项处于“不可变更”状态
B. 目前配置项处于“正式发布”状态
C. 目前配置项处于“草稿”状态
D. 目前配置项处于“正在修改”状态

4. [单选题]以下关于光纤特性的描述哪个是不正确的( )。

A. 光纤是一种柔软、能传导广波的介质
B. 光纤通过内部的全反射来传输一束经过编码的光信号
C. 多条光纤组成一束,就构成一条光缆
D. 多模光纤的性能优于单模光纤

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