人民法院(people court)、民事法律关系(civil legal relationship)、动眼神经核(oculomotor nucleus)、诉讼时效的适用、遗失物返还、相互之间的关系、舌下神经核(hypoglossal nucleus)、诉讼时效期间(duration of time limit)、《民法通则》(general principles of civil law)、“民事权利”
[单选题]《民法通则》(general principles of civil law)第l35条规定:“向人民法院请求保护民事权利的诉讼时效期间(duration of time limit)为2年。下列请求权中,符合这一规定的“民事权利”是( )
A. 甲对乙的遗失物返还请求权
B. 甲对银行的存款提取请求权
C. 甲对其成年子女的扶养权
D. 甲对乙的保证合同的保证责任请求权
[单选题]His decades of effort began to__________ , for his new breed of rice had become more popular.
A. pay off
B. call off
C. pull off
D. lay off
[单选题]—I always look out before crossing the street.—You are right. You can't be too______.
A. nervous
B. careful
C. careless
D. hurried
[单选题]对胰的描述,下列选项错误的是 ( )
A. 是人体内大消化腺之一
B. 可分为头、体、尾三部
C. 可分泌胰液及胰岛素
D. 胰头被十二指肠所环抱
E. 胰液及胰岛素经胰管排入十二指肠降部
[单选题]The Speech was not interesting.Most of the people present began to move about __________
A. impatient
B. impatiently
C. impatience
D. patiently
[单选题]In the second paragraph,the underlined part of the sentence“He gets into your hair”means________.
A. he upsets you
B. he insults you
C. he plays a joke on you
D. he pulls your hair。
[单选题]在民事法律关系中,民事权利和民事义务( )。
A. 平等
B. 对等
C. 公平
D. 一致
[多选题]脑神经躯体运动核包括( )
A. 三叉神经运动核
B. 动眼神经核
C. 滑车神经核
D. 面神经核
E. 舌下神经核(hypoglossal nucleus)
A. 浊音B.实音
B. 鼓音
C. 清音
D. 过清音
E. 1.正常肺部叩诊为( )
F. 2.胸腔积液大量为( )
[单选题]It wasn’t such a good dinner ________she had promised us.
A. like
B. which
C. what
D. as