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    自动更新(automatic updating)、电视信号(tv signal)、相关规定(relevant regulations)、通讯簿(address book)、应用逻辑(applied logic)、客户端程序(client program)、彩色电视制式(colour television system)、模拟彩色电视、联系人(contact person)、用户手册(user manual)

  • [单选题]使用Outlook的通讯簿,可以很好管理邮件,下列说法正确的是____。

  • A. 在通讯簿中可以建立联系人(contact person)
    B. 两个联系人(contact person)组中的信箱地址不能重复
    C. 只能将已收到邮件的发件人地址加入到通讯簿中
    D. 更改某人的信箱地址,其相应的联系人(contact person)组中的地址不会自动更新

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]● 在面向对象编程及分布式对象技术中,(31)是类和接口的集合。(31)
  • A. 对象
    B. 组件
    C. 实例
    D. 属性

  • [单选题]●在域名系统中,根域下面是顶级域(TLD)。在下面的选项中(68)属于全世界通用的顶级域。
  • A. (68)
    B. org
    C. cn
    D. Microsoft
    E. mil

  • [多选题]● Information is no good to you if you can't(71)it. The location dimension of information means having access 'to information no matter where you are.Ideally in other words, your location or the information's location should not matter. You should be able to access information in, a hotel roots; at home; in the student center of your camp, at work, on the spur of the moment while walking down the street; or even while traveling on an airplane.This location dimension is closely, related to (72) and wireless computing (and alsoubiquitous computing).To keep certain information private and secure while providing remote access for employees; many businesses are creating intranets. An intranet is an (73) organization internet that is guarded against. outside access by a special(74)feature called a Firewall (which can be software,hardware,or a combination of the two). So, if your organization has an intranet and you want to access information on it while away from the office, all you need is Web access and the password that will allow you (75) the firewall.
  • A. access
    B. make
    C. learn
    D. bring
    E. data B.program C.mobile D.information

  • [多选题]模拟彩色电视制式(colour television system)中,(48)制式的场扫描频率为50场/秒。NTSC制式的电视信号帧速率为(49),通常胶片电影的快门速率为(50)。(48)
  • A. NTSC
    E. 15帧缈
    F. 24帧/秒
    G. 25帧/秒
    H. 29.97帧缈
    I. 15帧/秒
    J. 24帧/秒
    K. 25帧/秒
    L. 29.97帧缈

  • [单选题]J2EE的四层体系架构(客户层/表示层/业务逻辑层/数据层)中,可用来实现表示层的技术是( )。
  • A. Java Servlets
    C. Enterprise JavaBeans
    D. Internet
    E. Explore
    G. Database

  • [单选题]●根据GB/T16680-1996的相关规定,《用户手册(user manual)》或《用户指南》属于(9)。(9)
  • A. 产品文档
    B. 开发文档
    C. 管理文档
    D. 需求文档

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/9g9w3z.html
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