路由表(routing table)、路由器(router)、优先级(priority)、数据包(packet)、配置文件(configuration file)、效率高(high efficiency)、广域网协议、标识符(identifier)
A. Router(config)show run
B. Routerping
C. Router(config)hostname cisco
D. Routerreload
A. 通过hello报文选举DR
B. 如果某路由器优先级比DR优先级高,但启动晚,它会抢占原来的DR自己成为DR
C. 一个广播类型网络中只能有一个DR
D. 一旦DR失效,BDR接替DR的工作,并重新选举一个BDR
A. 在线用户表
B. 访问控制列表
C. MAC地址表
D. 路由表
A. >
B. !
D. (config-if)
[单选题]在路由器上,命令show access-list的功能是()
A. 显示访问控制列表内容
B. 显示路由表内容
C. 显示端口配置信息
D. 显示活动配置文件
A. PPP是通用协议,HDLC是CISCO私有协议
B. PPP有验证功能,HDLC无验证功能
C. PPP效率低,HDLC效率高(high efficiency)
D. 在配置ISDN时,广域网协议不能封装成PPP,但可以封装成HDLC
[多选题]Which of the following statements correctly describe the differences between half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet? (Select two answer choices.)
A. Full-duplex Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to prevent collisions.
B. Half-duplex Ethernet uses a loopback circuit to detect collisions.
C. A full-duplex Ethernet card allows 20Mbps for data transmission.
D. Full-duplex Ethernet makes use of two pairs of wires for data.
E. An Ethernet hub can operate both half and full duplex simultaneously.
[单选题]After working all night and successfully configuring a Cisco router for the Ezonexam network you save your changes on the startup config, reboot the router, and go out for a cigarette. When you return, none of your changes are active and the router boots to the initial configuration mode! Which of the choices below indicates the source of your problem?
A. Hardware failure in NVRAM prevents the router from loading the config
B. Startup-config in flash is corrupt and cannot be analyzed
C. Router configuration-register set to bypass startup configuration
D. Startup-config in NVRAM is corrupt and cannot be analyzed
E. None of the above
[多选题]Why is full-duplex Ethernet superior to its single-duplex counterpart? (Select two answer choices.)
A. It uses inexpensive hubs
B. It operates without collisions
C. It operates on switches
D. It provides faster data transfer
E. It utilizes fewer wiring pairs