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  • 【名词&注释】

    路由表(routing table)、路由器(router)、优先级(priority)、数据包(packet)、配置文件(configuration file)、效率高(high efficiency)、广域网协议、标识符(identifier)

  • [单选题]下列命令中,无法正确执行的是()

  • A. Router(config)show run
    B. Routerping
    C. Router(config)hostname cisco
    D. Routerreload

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  • [单选题]关于OSPF中DR的说法不正确的是()
  • A. 通过hello报文选举DR
    B. 如果某路由器优先级比DR优先级高,但启动晚,它会抢占原来的DR自己成为DR
    C. 一个广播类型网络中只能有一个DR
    D. 一旦DR失效,BDR接替DR的工作,并重新选举一个BDR

  • [单选题]在地址转换中,()用来规定哪些数据包需要进行地址转换
  • A. 在线用户表
    B. 访问控制列表
    C. MAC地址表
    D. 路由表

  • [单选题]路由器下“特权用户模式”的标识符(identifier)是:()
  • A. >
    B. !
    D. (config-if)

  • [单选题]在路由器上,命令show access-list的功能是()
  • A. 显示访问控制列表内容
    B. 显示路由表内容
    C. 显示端口配置信息
    D. 显示活动配置文件

  • [单选题]关于PPP和HDLC的说法中,错误的是()
  • A. PPP是通用协议,HDLC是CISCO私有协议
    B. PPP有验证功能,HDLC无验证功能
    C. PPP效率低,HDLC效率高(high efficiency)
    D. 在配置ISDN时,广域网协议不能封装成PPP,但可以封装成HDLC

  • [多选题]Which of the following statements correctly describe the differences between half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet? (Select two answer choices.)
  • A. Full-duplex Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to prevent collisions.
    B. Half-duplex Ethernet uses a loopback circuit to detect collisions.
    C. A full-duplex Ethernet card allows 20Mbps for data transmission.
    D. Full-duplex Ethernet makes use of two pairs of wires for data.
    E. An Ethernet hub can operate both half and full duplex simultaneously.

  • [单选题]After working all night and successfully configuring a Cisco router for the Ezonexam network you save your changes on the startup config, reboot the router, and go out for a cigarette. When you return, none of your changes are active and the router boots to the initial configuration mode! Which of the choices below indicates the source of your problem?
  • A. Hardware failure in NVRAM prevents the router from loading the config
    B. Startup-config in flash is corrupt and cannot be analyzed
    C. Router configuration-register set to bypass startup configuration
    D. Startup-config in NVRAM is corrupt and cannot be analyzed
    E. None of the above

  • [多选题]Why is full-duplex Ethernet superior to its single-duplex counterpart? (Select two answer choices.)
  • A. It uses inexpensive hubs
    B. It operates without collisions
    C. It operates on switches
    D. It provides faster data transfer
    E. It utilizes fewer wiring pairs

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/9v4zlw.html
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