食物链(food chain)、形而上学(metaphysics)、猫头鹰(owl)、国务院、理论上(theory)、根本出发点(basic point of departure)、解决民族问题(deal with national problems)、最高权力机关(organization of supreme power)、出发点和归宿(starting point and end-result)、各民族的共同繁荣(the common prosperity of our various na ...)
[单选题]我国解决民族问题(deal with national problems)的根本出发点和归宿(starting point and end-result)是( )
A. 各民族的团结
B. 各民族的平等
C. 各民族的共同繁荣(the common prosperity of our various na)
D. 各民族的进步
Speaker B: _________It's a present from my girlfriend. Speaker A: She certainly has the taste.