宏观调控(macro-control)、周期性(periodicity)、两岸关系(cross-straits relations)、基本面(basic situation)、国内外、近两年(recent two years)、重要原因(important reasons)、金融危机的影响、厚古薄今、否极泰来
A. 目前国际金融危机的影响仍在持续,尽管国内外旅游业面临的压力和不确定性都在加大,但中国旅游业繁荣与发展的基本面并未改变。
B. 或许连作者都没想到,由于这一篇哀悼家鹤的纪念文章刻在石上,使得文本的命运与石头的命运牵连在一起,为后人留下了诸多难解之谜。
C. 房地产市场之所以陷入长达一的的萧条,除了市场周期性调整的因素外,还在于部分开发商追求暴利,哄抬房价,也是泡沫加速破裂的重要原因(important reasons)。
D. 海峡两岸关系协会与海峡交流基金会今天下午针对第三次陈江会谈的各项协议文本,举行了最后一次预备性磋商,历时大约一个多小时。
[单选题]⒈下列词语中加点的字,读音完全正确的一组是( )(3分)
A. 调度/宏观调控 降解/降龙伏虎 搪塞/敷衍塞责
B. 省视/省吃俭用 拓本/落拓不羁 纤绳/纤尘不染
C. 圈养/可圈可点 喷薄/厚古薄今 重申/老成持重
D. 臧否/否极泰来 乐府/乐不思蜀 屏蔽/屏气凝神
A. argument
B. disagreement
C. mystery
D. task
[单选题]D On May 23,1989, Stefania Follini came out from a cave at Carlsbad , New Mexico. She hadn’t seen the sun for eighteen and a half weeks . Stefania was in a research program, and the scientists in the program were studying body rhythms (节奏)。In this experiment Stefania had spent 130 days in a cave ,30 feet in depth.During her time in the cave, Stefania had been completely alone except for two white mice. Her living place had been very comfortable ,but there had been nothing to fell her the time .she’d had no clock or watches , no television or tadio. There had been NO natural light and the temperature had always been kept at 21℃
A. Stefania stayed in the cave for a long time because___________.
B. she was asked to do research on mice
C. she wanted to experience loneliness
D. she was the subject of astudy
E. she needed to record her life