紫外线(ultraviolet)、平流层(stratosphere)、辐射强度(radiation intensity)、形成层(cambium)、次生木质部(secondary xylem)、缠绕茎(twining stem)、次生韧皮部(secondary phloem)
A. 太阳紫外线辐射减小
B. 平流层气温降低
C. 酸雨区面积缩小
D. 地面辐射强度减弱
A. beasuccessfulpublisher
B. becomeaconfidenteditor
C. finishoneworkforpublication
D. getonestoryorarticlepublished
[单选题]What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To show us the hidden beauty in our world.
B. to warn us not to get lost in the fantasy world.
C. To argue against the misuse of the sense of wonder.
D. To discuss the influence of the world of make-believe.
[单选题]黄瓜茎幼时柔软,不能直立,属于缠绕茎(twining stem)。( )
A. 正确
B. 错误
[单选题]形成层细胞的径向分裂产生( )。
A. 次生木质部
B. 次生韧皮部(secondary phloem)
C. 周皮
D. 形成层本身的细胞
[单选题]柑橘(桔)属常见种的鉴别特征之一是( )。
A. 有无茎刺
B. 是否为单身复叶
C. 有无花盘
D. 叶轴翅有或无,宽或窄