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    相似性(similarity)、化学品(chemicals)、离心泵(centrifugal pump)、轴功率(shaft power)、可拆卸(demountable)、浮动式(floating type)、能见度不良(restricted visibility)、机动船(motor vessel)、适用于(suitable for)、吸入压力(suction pressure)

  • [判断题]冻伤的病人,可以用酒精搓受伤部位。

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  • [单选题]当活塞采用浮动式活塞销时,相应地()。
  • A. 在连杆小端要采用滚针轴承
    B. 采用定位销固定,防止轴向移动
    C. 采用卡环防止销轴向窜动
    D. 不能采用强压润滑

  • [单选题]保留在船上的样品需要根据()进行保存。
  • A. 相似性
    B. 相容性
    C. 毒性

  • [单选题]化学品船通常污水系统与货舱的卸货管系()。
  • A. 独立分开
    B. 可通过可拆卸短管连接
    C. 同一套管系

  • [单选题]Which of the following statements concerning the lubrication of diesel propulsionengines used in vessels over 300 gross tons is most accurate? ( )
  • A. Lubrication systems using engine driven lube oil pumps do not require any additionalindependent arrangement when such arrangements have been proven reliable.
    B. The use of engine driven pre-lube pumps is permitted on vessels with propulsionsystems developing less than 500 shaft horsepower.
    C. When forced lubrication is used for propulsion engines , one independently drivenstandby pumps is to be provided in addition to the necessary pumps for normaloperation.
    D. Lubrication systems where two oil coolers are fitted require a minimum of twotemperature control devices which may be actuated by similar sensors.

  • [单选题]下列( )不属于海上货运事故。
  • A. 货物件数短少
    B. 货物被扣留
    C. 货物残损
    D. 甲板货被抛出舷外

  • [单选题]离心泵在额定工况工作时( )。
  • A. 功率最大
    B. 扬程最高
    C. 流量最大
    D. 效率最高

  • [单选题]泵排出压力pd=0.55MPa,吸入压力(suction pressure)ps=-0.05MPa,流量Q=60m3/h,总效率η=80%,其轴功率为( )。
  • A. 10kW
    B. 12.5kW
    C. 10.4kW
    D. 8kW

  • [单选题]“根据本章各条规定要求采取避免碰撞的任何行动,如当时环境许可,应是积极地并应及早地进行…”,该款规定(№8条1款)适用于(suitable for):I、对遇局面中的两艘机动船(motor vessel);II、互见中的让路船,不适用于(suitable for)直航船;III、能见度不良(restricted visibility)中两艘不互见中构成碰撞危险的在航船舶
  • A. I
    B. II、III
    C. I、II
    D. I、II、III

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/d8exdx.html
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