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  • 【名词&注释】

    脑水肿(brain edema)、高压氧治疗(hyperbaric oxygen therapy)、慈善事业(philanthropy)、甲骨文、皮质类固醇(corticosteroid)、白手起家、福利型国家、百万富翁(millionaire)

  • [单选题]《日出》的情节结构特点是

  • A. 回顾式写法
    B. 闭锁结构
    C. 开放式写法
    D. 片段写法

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]出现在秦代的书体是
  • A. 小篆
    B. 金文
    C. 楷书
    D. 甲骨文

  • [单选题]The chief reason why philanthropy has conic into a good stage is that
  • A. the new money is less likely to be regarded as one's private wealth
    B. Gates will devote his full attention to philanthropy
    C. the welfare state would take over all the charity responsibilities
    D. many new millionaires are self-made rather than inherited

  • [多选题]防治脑水肿是脑复苏的关键,应该尽早施行下列哪项措施( )
  • A. 低温
    B. 缺水治疗
    C. 镇静解痉
    D. 皮质类固醇应用
    E. 高压氧治疗

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/ded384.html
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