社会保险(social insurance)、劳动者(laborer)、用人单位(employing unit)、救生艇(boat)、船舶所有人(shipowner)
A. 燃点
B. 闪点
C. 沸点
A. 劳动者和用人单位必须依法参加社会保险
B. 劳动者享受社会保险待遇的条件和标准由保险公司决定,与法律、法规关系不大
C. 船员劳动协议条款应由船舶所有人(shipowner)或其代表制定
D. 无定期海员协议,船主的预告期短于船员的
[单选题]The temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator coil depends mostly upon the ___.
A. refrigerant pressure in the evaporator
B. cooling water temperature to the condenser
C. heat load in the refrigerator compartment
D. solenoid valve in the liquid line
[单选题]The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall notify the chief engineer without delay ____.
A. in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measures to take
B. in the event of any impending action in machinery spaces that may cause reduction in ship's speed
C. when isolating and bypassing machinery to be worked on
D. co-operating with any engineer in charge of maintenance work
[单选题]When sailing ill cold zones,_______should be drained of water.
A. the ventilation pipe
B. the water line for fire fighting on the deck
C. the fuel oil line
D. the water supplying line in bath room
A. 4支
B. 5支
C. 6支
A. 米汤样
B. 脓血便
C. 柏油样
D. 黄色水样