错别字(wrongly written characters)、一视同仁、明信片(postcard)、吹毛求疵(cavil)、重蹈覆辙
A. 安详 明信片 重蹈覆辙 一副对联
B. 给力 挖墙脚 一视同仁 再接再励
C. 荣膺 炒鱿鱼 一泄千里 温文尔雅
D. 坐阵 掉胃口 吹毛求疵 根深柢固
[单选题]29. Why are green plants and grass helpful?
A. Because they can hold the water.
B. Because they can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.
C. Because they can keep the earth wet.
D. All the above.