
统计某部门信息处理技术员的男女比例,宜采用的图表是( )。

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  • 【名词&注释】

    重要措施(important measure)、信息系统安全(information system security)、保障系统(support system)、操作失误(fumble)、男女比例(proportion of male and female)、命令行工具(command line tool)、系统运行日志、信息处理技术员、域名解析(domain name resolution)、不可避免(inevitable)

  • [单选题]统计某部门信息处理技术员的男女比例,宜采用的图表是( )。

  • A. 散点图
    B. 曲面图
    C. 饼图
    D. 面积图

  • 查看答案&解析查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [多选题]●For each blank, choose the best answer from the four choices and write down on the answer sheet.(71) is a channel's capacity which directly reflects the data transfer rate of the channel.
  • A. (72) functions in a NetWare network which is used to define addressing schemes.
    B. (73) is a network layer device that supports multiple LAN interfaces and segments LANs into smaller collision and broadcast domains.
    C. (74) is the popular LAN developed under the direction of the IEEE802.3.
    D. (75) is a device which enables digital microcomputers to communicate across analog telephone lines.
    E. The volume
    F. The bandwidth
    G. The noise
    H. The delay
    I. NetBEUI
    J. IP
    K. IPX
    L. NCP
    M. The repeater
    N. The hub
    O. The bridge
    P. The router
    Q. Token Ring
    R. Token Bus
    S. Ethernet
    T. FDDI
    U. The repeater
    V. The modem
    W. The hub
    X. The printer

  • [单选题]是保证信息系统安全的一项重要措施,能够保证在系统发生故障后,可以恢复到故障发生前的最近时间界面上,从而保证系统数据的最少损失。
  • A. 数据恢复
    B. 数据备份
    C. 故障记录
    D. 记录系统运行日志

  • [单选题]在Windows操作环境中,采用(62)命令来查看本机IP地址及网卡MAC地址。
  • A. ping
    B. tracert
    C. ipconfig
    D. nslookup

  • 本文链接:https://www.51ksbd.net/show/g3r89e.html
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